Thursday 2 October 2014

We have lift off!

Hi There!

Welcome to the voice of a 'Common-sense Coaster!' This is where I shall be tapping away interesting facts and discussions about what Nitrates have to do with the water quality of the Waikato Region. I shall also be exploring the quality of soil in the region as well as other factors that are impacting on the water quality in the Waikato area. Primarily, however, the central focus of this blog is on nitrate levels within the water-ways and the quality of water. 

This blog has been created in order to give a balanced approach to discussing the issues that are being faced in the Waikato region in relation to nitrate levels and it's flow on effects on the water quality of the the regions rivers. This blog aims to:

- Give an overview on what Nitrates are, why it is an important mineral group to take an interest in?
- Answer the three big 'W's (Who, What, Where) about the even bigger W (the mighty Waikato).

- Put Nitrates into the context of the Waikato region - Why should we care? How is anchor milk, recreational fishing, and kids going for a swim in their local rivers all interconnected?

- Inform viewers on facts of the state of the water quality in the Waikato region - particularly the Waikato and Waipa Rivers. 

- Finally, look at ways to move forward on the issue to find the most effective, positive, and practical solution to any posed problems.

Hopefully, this will give a good insight into the topic, and provide an unbiased perspective on the issue, as well as provide a bit of 'food for thought.'